Category Archives: Service FAQ

FAQ: Water Pump Impeller Maintenance

Every so often we will feature a post on recommended maintenance for your boat, and why it’s important.  This week we are featuring water pump impellers.

Imagine, you are pulling up to the boat landings on a sunny Saturday afternoon.  The kids are excited as everybody has the day off and it’s time to hit the water and have some fun.  All of the prep has been completed: Coolers are packed, beach towels are loaded, sunscreen applied, and the boat is fueled up.  You back the boat into the water, turn it on, and drive it off of the trailer.  The family begins to climb into the boat, but you realize something isn’t right….  The engine’s temperature keeps rising, way past were it should be.  Quickly you shut the boat off, and unfortunately you know your day of boating has come to an abrupt end.  Reluctantly you load the boat back onto the trailer.  Everyone is upset – especially the kids who couldn’t wait to spend some family time out on the water.

After bringing the boat to the mechanic you find out that the water pump impeller is dry-rotted and is not pumping water, the cause of your overheat…something that could have been avoided, and something that would not have taken away that warm summer day on the river with the family if you had performed the engine’s recommended manufacturer maintenance.

Most manufacturers (including Mercury) recommend having your water pump impeller replaced every 2-3 years based on usage. 

“But I haven’t even used the motor much so there isn’t much reason to perform the suggested maintenance!” you may say.  Unfortunately, this is incorrect.  Water pump impellers are made of a form of neoprene rubber and are very flexible, but over time they dry-rot and break fins.  Also, when not used often, your impeller can form a permanent bend that does not allow the impeller to prime correctly and pull water from its housing and pick up.  The water pump is the heart of the motor.  It pumps the water through your engine and keeps it cool.  Without a functioning water pump, your motor will over heat and possibly cause fatal damages to your engine.

To ensure your family day out on the water doesn’t come to an abrupt end, read your manufacturer’s manual or call your local dealership and be sure you are up to date on your impeller maintenance.

Should I Buy Water Sports Equipment Online or In-Store?

When getting into any kind of water sport or upgrading your current gear, it can be stressful deciding what the best fit, board style, or size is going to be for you.  Where you buy your gear should be less stressful!

Buying your new gear online is starting to gain attention because of online specials, but the downside to those deals is you’re not looking at the actual board that you are getting, so you can’t feel the weight of it and get a good judgment of the shape and size of it.  Another thing to think about when deciding if you should purchase your equipment online or in-store is that when you buy online, you are going to have to pay for a shipping and handling  charge, and have a wait time to get your new board or ski rather than picking it up that day and enjoying it.  If you have purchased gear before and are familiar with the brand models, purchasing online may work for you because you don’t need to see the board itself, but you will still have to wait for it to be shipped in.

As a new wakeboarder or waterskiier, going into a store to find your new gear will give you a more welcoming feel into the water sport game.  A sales associate will be able to give you helpful tips on the correct board or ski size for your height, weight, and experience, and show you options for board graphics and features.  The sales person will also be able to give some tips about everything that you will need to get started, and even about the easiest techniques to getting just about anyone up out of the water on their new wakeboard or ski.  Best of all, you can take your new board or skis out that day!